AnalyseCommon functionsAbsolute ValueSur cette pageAbsolute ValueDefinitionDefinitionWe define the absolute value of a real xxx by ∣x∣={xif x⩾0,−xif x⩽0.|x| = \begin{cases} x \quad & \text{if } x \geqslant 0, \\ -x \quad & \text{if } x \leqslant 0. \end{cases}∣x∣={x−xif x⩾0,if x⩽0.ResultsPropositionLet a∈Ra \in \mathbb Ra∈R and h∈R+h \in \mathbb R_+h∈R+. For all real number x∈Rx \in \mathbb Rx∈R, we have ∣x−a∣⩽h|x - a| \leqslant h∣x−a∣⩽h if, and only if, a−h⩽x⩽a+ha-h \leqslant x \leqslant a+ha−h⩽x⩽a+h.Proposition : Triangle inequalitiesIf xxx and yyy are any two real numbers, then we have :∣x+y∣⩽∣x∣+∣y∣and∣∣x∣−∣y∣∣⩽∣x−y∣.|x + y| \leqslant |x| + |y| \qquad \text{and} \qquad ||x| - |y|| \leqslant |x - y|.∣x+y∣⩽∣x∣+∣y∣and∣∣x∣−∣y∣∣⩽∣x−y∣.