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n-th roots


  • If zCz \in \mathbb C, we call n-th root of zz any ZCZ \in \mathbb C such that Zn=zZ^n = z.
  • The n-th roots of one are also called root of unity.

Root of unity


It exists exactly nn root n-th of unity, which are the complexes

ξk=ei2kπn=ξ1k,avec k[0,n1]N.\xi_k = e^{i\frac{2k\pi}{n}} = \xi_1^k, \quad \text{avec } k \in [0, n-1] \subset \mathbb N.

Let nn be an integer greater than or equal to 2.

  • if ξ\xi is a n-th root of unity not equal to 1, we have
1+ξ1+ξ2++ξn1=0.1 + \xi_1 + \xi_2 + \dots + \xi^{n-1} = 0.
  • The sum of n-th roots of unity is equal to 0.

n-th root


If Z0Z_0 si a n-th root of zz, the set of n-th root of zz is

{Z0ξ;ξUn}.\{ Z_0\xi; \xi \in \mathbb U_n \}.

Let n0n \neq 0 be an integer and let z0z \neq 0 be complex number of module rr and with argument θ\theta, the complex number zz admits nn n-th roots which are the complex numbers :

Zk=r1nei(θn+2kπn) with k[0,n1]N.Z_k = r^{\frac{1}{n}}e^{i(\frac{\theta}{n} + \frac{2k\pi}{n})} \quad \text{ with } \quad k \in [0, n-1] \subset \mathbb N.